PhD program in Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences

Course in Stem Cell Biology and Clinical Application

The recent advances of stem cell reseach have opened new perspectives to understand the biological phenomena underlying cell regeneration and organogenesis, and to set up therapeutical strategies against degenerative and neoplastic diseases. Consequently, the approach to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine needs to be multidisciplinary. The aims of the PhD course are:

  • to develop competence for stem cell characterization and utilization, and capability of critical examination of literature data; 
  • to learn methodology and self-government in scientific research;
  • to learn modalities of harvest, in vitro expansion and characterization of stem cell phenotype, functions and differentiation;
  • to learn how to employ animal models;
  • to learn potential clinical application of stem cells, quality controls and legislation of stem cell ex-vivo expansion for clinical use;
  • to write protocols of advanced cell therapy.

Details :

Duration 3 years
Control Body Graduated School Council
Course PhD research program
Location Verona